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Dizziness is not just a passing sensation. Instead, it’s a sign that your balance system needs some TLC and help staying aligned. Dizziness can be caused by anything from an underlying medical issue to just being out of whack for the moment. Read on to learn more about what causes dizziness, as well as the typical symptoms and how you can ease them.

What causes dizziness?

Dizziness is the inability to maintain balance or “coordinate” your body. In other words, you can’t tell where your head is in your body. This is different than vertigo, which is a sense of spinning (usually when you’re standing still). Dizziness is caused by a variety of factors. At the most basic level, you may feel dizzy because your eyes aren’t “tuned in” to where you are. Your eyes are connected to your brain and body, and if your brain is malfunctioning in some way, dizziness is a likely symptom. Other causes of dizziness include muscle spasms, structural problems in your neck and back, hormonal imbalances, and even medication side effects.

Muscle weakness and spasms

Muscle spasms can cause dizziness and even make you fall. This is because your eyes are connected to your muscles, and when one part of your body is “misaligned,” you may lose your balance. A dizzy spell caused by a sudden muscle spasm could make you feel like you’re spinning or even fall. You may have experienced this if you’ve suddenly felt as if you were going to fall and have been able to stop yourself just in time. On a more serious level, a seizure or stroke can cause dizziness as a result of a weakened brain or damage to the part that controls head movement. Both of these conditions need to be treated right away to prevent permanent brain damage.

Neck and Back Problems

Neck and back problems can cause dizziness. This is because nerves in your neck and back are responsible for connecting your eyes, brain, and muscles. If these nerves are disrupted, you may feel dizzy. More serious conditions may also cause dizziness because these nerves are also responsible for regulating your balance. If you have back pain, sciatica, or other conditions that are interfering with normal nerve function, dizziness can result. You may also experience dizziness if your spine is misaligned, such as a misaligned neck or scoliosis.

Hormonal Imbalance

In some cases, dizziness is caused by an imbalance in your hormones. In men, low testosterone levels are often to blame. While this condition is relatively uncommon, it may also cause dizziness and other symptoms such as decreased sex drive. If you have low estrogen levels, you may experience dizziness, as well as menstrual-related symptoms such as cramps and bloating.

Other Causes

If you take medication, the side effects could cause dizziness. Similarly, if you drink alcohol, exercise too strenuously, or fall, you may experience dizziness. In some cases, dizziness is caused by an underlying medical condition. Obstructive sleep apnea, for example, causes people to feel dizzy as a result of a decreased blood flow to the brain. Other causes of dizziness include structural problems in your neck and back, and hormonal imbalances.

Treatment for Dizziness

The first step when it comes to treatment is figuring out what caused your dizziness in the first place. Once you know what’s going on, you can treat the problem and get back to your normal life. If your dizziness was caused by low blood flow to your brain, you may benefit from wearing an oral device that reduces oxygen flow to your head while you sleep. This type of device is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is known as a “CPAP machine” (CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Air Pressure). If it’s due to an underlying medical condition, you may be able to receive treatment to correct the problem. However, if the cause of your dizziness is low blood flow to your brain, you should see your doctor immediately.


Dizziness is a common condition that affects people of all ages. It can be caused by a dizzy spell or by an underlying medical condition. However, there are ways to ease dizziness, such as taking a nap or drinking water. If you feel dizzy, you should determine the cause, and then take steps to treat the problem.


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