What are blackheads?

A blackhead is a mild type of acne that grows in the form of a bump on the skin. These bumps are formed as a result of clogging in the hair follicles. 

Blackheads obtain their name from the colour of the swellings on the skin which are usually black.

Acne is a common skin inflammation that affects a big population all over the world. Although common in teenagers, acne or blackheads affects a wide range of people between the ages of 12 and 40 years. 

Blackheads can appear on many parts of the body including; Face, neck, back, arms, shoulders, chest, and back. Check out these common types of acne blackheads

What are some common signs or symptoms of blackhead?

acne blackheads treatment

Blackheads appear as small spots on the skin or black bumps that are slightly raised above the skin. 

Blackheads are sometimes called pimples and may vary in appearance depending on the severity. The pimples are mostly formed as a result of blocked hair follicles caused by bacteria.

Top skin care tips you must know

What causes blackheads/how are they formed?

Hair follicles on the skin contain one hair and a sebaceous gland(noncancerous cysts of the skin.)

When a clog develops in any of the follicles on the skin, a blackhead is formed.The sebaceous glands produce sebum(oils which helps the skin remain soft)

A comedo which is the earlier form of a blackhead is formed when dead cells collect in the skin follicles. 

The skin over the bump formed by the dead cell closes forming a whitehead. Blackheads then develop when the whitehead is exposed to air and it turns black. 


Common factors that can promote blackhead development

Hormonal changes

With the onset of puberty, the human body starts to produce hormones called androgens or male sex hormones, increasing in both boys and girls.

These androgens cause the enlargement and over stimulation of the sebaceous glands which are found in the hair follicles or pores of the skin. The extra sebum or oil that the sebaceous glands produce mixes with dead skin cells and bacteria on the skin’s surface and this blocks pores. Within the blocked pore, the bacteria multiply and cause inflammation. All of this leads to the lesions that are associated with acne.
Teenagers are the most common sufferers of acne, purely because of the hormonal shifts that are associated with puberty. Current figures indicate nearly 85% of people will develop acne at some point between the ages of 12 and 25.
It is also important to note that the hormonal changes associated with both the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and even menopause have been shown to be culprits in the creation of acne. Also, when women are either beginning or ending their usage of birth control, the hormonal fluctuations that can occur at this time can cause acne in some women.



Another factor is heredity or genetics. Many researchers now believe that the tendency to develop acne can be inherited from parents. In studies conducted by a number of scientists, links have been found between those presently suffering from acne and the presence of acne in their family history. Strictly speaking though, acne is not an inherited disease, at least not in the medical sense of the word.

However, it is also true that acne is much more common in children of parents who have had or still have acne than those who do not. While the research is still ongoing, there is no doubt the research will continue to yield new results and perhaps, deeper genetic causes might be unearthed.

Other possible factors

  • Menstruation period or birth control pills
  • When hair follicles get irritated due to failure in shedding of dead skin
  • When the body produces too much oil 
  • Build-up or formation of propionibacterium(pleomorphic rods that are mesophilic, nonmotile, non-spore-forming, and anaerobic to aerotolerant bacteria) acne bacteria on the skin

Here are natural acne cure methods to help get rid of blackheads

Use this blackhead remover to get rid of acne pores


While this guide is meant to provide you with the information you need to combat acne, it is highly recommend that you consult a physician before you begin any form of treatment for your acne.
If you have any side effects as a result of the following information, consult a physician immediately.
I am not a doctor, and this is provided for informational purposes only.

Want to get rid of acne overnight? Click here for simple hacks


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