How to deal with ulcer pains

Stomach ulcer pains are some of the most excruciating types of pain that someone would never want to experience. The pain, which results from the release of acid on wounds on the intestines can make you feel like you’re getting eaten from the inside. 

Many people struggle to control or completely heal the wounds and may end up trying very many suggested cures. Unfortunately for many, these cures never work.

There are a lot of OTC(on the counter) medications but this only helps reduce or lower the severity of the pain from the wounds. For someone who has suffered the effects of an ulcer wound for a long time, short-term fixes don’t sound too convincing. They prefer a permanent solution that is never easy to find or adhere to in case one is provided.

Home cure or home remedy has been a savior for many people suffering from different illnesses. Ulcers can also be cured using some natural plants or supplements.

Before you embark on that curing journey, remember that getting the best results in everything needs a bit of discipline and patience. It won’t happen overnight. In short, be at your best when it comes to discipline.

These five home remedies can help if you want to heal or cure ulcers wounds:

  1. Drink cabbage juice for ulcer pain
Drinking cabbage juice can help cure ulcer wounds

Drinking a cup of cabbage juice three times a day for a period of 3-4 weeks can help you completely heal ulcer wounds. How does this happen? Cabbage has high levels of a substance called glucoraphanin. The Glucoraphanin is converted into sulforaphane which helps prevent inflammation and speed up healing.

NOTE: If you have been diagnosed with any thyroid condition before, don’t use cabbage juice, it could cause thyroid cancer.

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  1. Aloe vera Juice for ulcer
Drinking a cup of aloe vera juice can  help heal ulcer wounds.

Aloe vera juice has many anti-inflammatory components such as vitamin C. The plant juice can also improve digestion and reduce the chances of discomfort that results from acidic gas released in cases of indigestion.

Cut aloe vera leaves into smaller pieces, soak in water for about 5 minutes then drink two to three times a day. Doing this repeatedly can help you heal ulcer wounds at home.

  1. PawPaw and Unripe Plantain Extracts can treat ulcer wounds
Unripe pawpaw and plantain can help heal stomach ulcer wounds.

PawPaw juice or unripe plantain extracts are the other options that you can try if you want to heal ulcer wounds at home. The extracts have anti-inflammatory capabilities which can help prevent inflammation and also heal stomach wounds. Blending and drinking these fruits once or twice a day for a month has proven a reliable treatment for ulcer wounds. You can use one or both fruits to cure or reduce stomach pains.

  1. Avoid Acidic foods for ulcer wounds to heal

Acidic foods such as some green vegetables and beans have been found to worsen ulcer pains. When consumed, the high acid contents in these plants make ulcer wounds bigger and more painful. It is not easy to completely get rid of green vegetables, especially for vegetarians. It is therefore advisable to lower the acidity of such plants before consuming them. The best way to do that is by using carrots when cooking your vegetables. The carrots absorb the acid produced by the vegetables when cooked.

Alternatively, you can drain the water produced after boiling the vegetables or beans even though this method does not completely remove the acid. It also removes all the essential nutrients provided by the plants. 

  1. Do not use too much spices or completely avoid them for ulcer wounds to heal

Most are made with strong chemicals either as preservatives or to improve food taste. The said chemicals are usually high in acid and are likely to trigger pains in ulcer wounds. By reducing the number of spices you use, you gradually help the sound heal. 

Additional tip: Eating Yogurt can help reduce the severity of ulcer pain and contribute to the healing of ulcer wounds. Yogurt contains probiotics which are essential in fighting harmful bacteria. Eating yogurt also helps soothe the stomach and relieve GERD(Gastroesophageal reflux disease) – A  digestive disorder that affects the ring of muscle between your esophagus and your stomach.


The discussed methods to cure stomach ulcers at home do not bring immediate results. Most are only effective when used for periods of around 3 to 4 weeks. You have to be disciplined and ready to stick to the treatment for the mentioned period if you want the best results.



The information provided in this article is for information purposes only. Seek medical advice from qualified technicians if your symptoms persist.