Cabbage is a vegetable grown and used as food in many parts of the world. This vegetable is extremely versatile and can be served raw in salads, quick-cooked, steamed or used in soups and stews.

How much do you love or hate cabbage? You probably hate it just because of what people say about it.

There are many lies spread about cabbage, some of these being; cabbage has no health benefits, has no nutrients and many other myths that are not true. 

Types of Cabbage

There are two types of cabbage; red cabbage and white cabbage. Both types of cabbage have unbelievable health benefits that will blow your mind.

Health benefits of this Vegetable

In this article you’ll learn about some of the benefits that you can get when you add cabbage to your diet.

Consuming cabbage helps improve digestion

Cabbage contains insoluble fiber which helps keep the digestive system healthy. The insoluble fiber promotes regular bowel movements and reduces the risk of indigestion

Apart from drinking plenty of water, eating plenty of cabbage can save you from the stress of constipation.

Eating cabbage may help lower blood pressure

Almost an eighth of the world’s population is affected by high blood pressure

This condition is a contributing factor to heart diseases and stroke

Red cabbage has high potassium content, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure by restraining the effects of sodium in the body

Potassium aids the excretion of sodium through urine, making the blood vessels to relax and lower blood pressure.

Eating cabbage can lower cholesterol levels in the body

Cholesterol is an essential substance in the body as it helps in digestion.

Too much cholesterol however increases chances of developing a heart disease. Cabbage contains soluble fiber which lowers the cholesterol levels in the body. Plant sterols in cabbage also helps block the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract.

Cabbage helps prevent inflammation

Chronic inflammation if not treated early may lead to paralysis or even death. This type of inflammation occurs over a long period of time

This type of inflammation is usually associated with diseases such as heart disease, inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatic conditions. The antioxidants in cabbage helps reduce the chronic inflammation.

Cabbage contains many nutrients

Cabbage is rich in various nutrients. A few examples are potassium, magnesium, vitamins C, K and B6 efficient for energy metabolism and the effectiveness of the nervous system.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can help protect against heart disease.

The antioxidants in cabbage also help protect cells from damage by the free radicals in the body.

Disclaimer: The content in this article is for information purposes only. If you have any health concerns, seek immediate health advice from a qualified health specialist. I am a not a doctor and shall not be held liable for anything that happens as a result of any use of the information obtained from this website either as a whole or part of.


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